Inspiration or peddling? ["Who's your daddy?" sermon]

This. video. Right, Here. This video speech was said to have "broken the internet". Years ago, I would have hit the thumbs up button, shared it, and cried listening to it. Probably got chills listening to it. Now... it makes me cringe. This isn't to mock anyone reading this if you found inspiration in this speech. Whatever it is that helps you get through the day.... if you like it, I love it. Life is hard. I accept that people need to choose from their coping mechanism of choice to make it through and live the best quality of life we can. With that said, I have a few issues with this sermon, I mean speech: 1. It's annoying that the mainstream, "trendy" christian sector uses self-help inspirational talking points to pander to millions of hurting people. These same christians will poo-poo you for using "secular" ideology but have no issue throwing the same 'humanistic' concepts into a blender with bible verses, God and Jesus...