Disarming the word "Bitter" [Bitter-phobia] explained

"Bitter" is a loaded word in christian circles. Even outside of religion, "good vibes only" communities also are "bitter-phobic". Many people act as if being bitter is the end of the world. Well, I've got some great news for ya... Bitter is not the end of the world. In our society, however, "Bitter" is the scarlet letter. It is the ultimate shaming tactic. It is the most potent character assassination. Some people talk about "moving on" from trauma and abuse. This "be better not bitter" mentality comes across as self-empowerment, but it has a dark side. This mentality can also be a cover for self-righteousness or gaslighting. Calling someone "bitter" is so lethally weaponized that people level it at others to neutralize them, to shut them down. Bitter is weaponized against others. People call you bitter to shame you and silence you. It's time to tackle the whole concept of being so-called bitter. I'...