Life after the cult: Trust issues
Been thinking alot about what we as people give our trust to....I think we give away our trust way too easily. Leaders, politicians, social media influencers, you tube or face book personalities, and religious figures (pastors, church leaders) who have the "gift of gab" can too easily convince us that they have the answers to our lives. After my own cult experience, I realized that I didn't have healthy intellectual boundaries. I was recruited and converted as a teenager into the #ICOC cult, so it makes sense that with so little life experience (and an undeveloped personal identity) that I entrusted myself to these people so easily. It was a hard, painful lesson with long reaching consequences. Today, as a cult survivor of many years now, I have learned something: my trust has to be earned. I don't care that someone speaks on something with authority. I've seen so much in my life about people and the nature of people to know better. I don't care that my dou...