
Showing posts from 2013

Religion goes pop: New Pastor Reality Show on Oxygen Network "Preachers of L.A."

As the title suggests, Christianity is moving to a new level with a reality show on the cable Oxygen Network called "Preachers of L.A." Here is a clip of the trailer: I've watched as much of it as I could stand. Being someone far removed from religion and dogmatic paradigms for some time now, even I got nauseous 3 minutes in. Let's be clear: If professed Christians, "saved folk" "God's Chosen" don't see the writing on the wall, it's too damn late. Let's face it: it already is. These pastors are ballin' out of control (meaning they are living lavishly) and have now moved from being millionaire "Pastor-preneurs" (a term c/o Fortune Magazine) to the ranks of reality t/v/ show celebrities, i.e. Kim Kardashian, Honey Boo Boo, and the Real Housewives of everywhere. You got these Christians running around saying one of two things: One-It's "Not my C...

Religion in the News: Hour of Power's Rev. Robert Schuller in financial hot water

Article link: LOS ANGELES—The aging founder of the Crystal Cathedral is in court seeking more than $5 million from the ministry he built from scratch in a dispute that has delayed millions in payments to creditors left short-handed when the church filed for bankruptcy two years ago. The Rev. Robert H. Schuller was in Los Angeles on Thursday for the start of a 10-day trial over copyright infringement, intellectual property and contract violation claims that stem from his ministry's devastating financial collapse. The trial continued Friday with testimony expected from his wife, daughter and son-in-law. Crystal Cathedral Ministries filed for bankruptcy in 2010 with more than $50 million in debt. The Schuller family's claims continue to delay about $12. 5 million in payments to creditors. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange purchased the ministry's soarin...

Reclaiming Your Identity

Wow, time flies!     It's May already! The weather-like the flowers- has bloomed and I'm loving being outdoors again. There's something amazing about spring-the aliveness, the energy of rebirth and renewal, of being born again. I write this post just to point something out, something I feel is critical. I'm on You Tube alot. A-lot.  Love it. One thing I don't love, however, is the comment section under the videos. People go crazy there. I also have an addiction to looking at comment sections of blogs and websites.  Often the views are extremely polarized. Othertimes people feel the need to share what the person said that they agree (and especially disagree) with. I think it's critical to take the opportunity to share something here: When someone expresses their thoughts, beliefs, experiences, conclusions or feelings about something, you don't have to agree with it. Again: YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE WITH WHAT ANOTHER PERSON SAYS! An...

Freedom (Happy anniversay to me!)

Hello all!          It's been a while, I know, but I've been busy-dreaming, growing, living, loving, making following my heart and savoring life down to the last morsel. January of this year made for my two-year anniversary! Boo-yah! So, as you can see, I titled this blog "Losing My Religion". At the time, it was so appropo. Actually, in retrospect, I was really letting go of my religion. I was changing, growing, evolving and my religion wasn't. Religion isn't about expanding. There is a glass ceiling you smash into when you actually begin being spiritual. Christianity as I knew it taught us to always be studying my bible, praying and being involved with the "body of Christ" (aka fellow Christians in your particular denomination and/or church) in order to contimually grow more and more like Christ everyday. My struggle all those years was that when I was being like Christ, I found myself up against some serious opposition. See, ...