Religion goes pop: New Pastor Reality Show on Oxygen Network "Preachers of L.A."

As the title suggests, Christianity is moving to a new level with a reality show on the cable Oxygen Network called "Preachers of L.A." Here is a clip of the trailer: I've watched as much of it as I could stand. Being someone far removed from religion and dogmatic paradigms for some time now, even I got nauseous 3 minutes in. Let's be clear: If professed Christians, "saved folk" "God's Chosen" don't see the writing on the wall, it's too damn late. Let's face it: it already is. These pastors are ballin' out of control (meaning they are living lavishly) and have now moved from being millionaire "Pastor-preneurs" (a term c/o Fortune Magazine) to the ranks of reality t/v/ show celebrities, i.e. Kim Kardashian, Honey Boo Boo, and the Real Housewives of everywhere. You got these Christians running around saying one of two things: One-It's "Not my C...