Religion goes pop: New Pastor Reality Show on Oxygen Network "Preachers of L.A."

As the title suggests, Christianity is moving to a new level with a reality show on the cable Oxygen Network called "Preachers of L.A."

Here is a clip of the trailer:

I've watched as much of it as I could stand. Being someone far removed from religion and dogmatic paradigms for some time now, even I got nauseous 3 minutes in.

Let's be clear: If professed Christians, "saved folk" "God's Chosen" don't see the writing on the wall, it's too damn late.

Let's face it: it already is.

These pastors are ballin' out of control (meaning they are living lavishly) and have now moved from being millionaire "Pastor-preneurs" (a term c/o Fortune Magazine) to the ranks of reality t/v/ show celebrities, i.e. Kim Kardashian, Honey Boo Boo, and the Real Housewives of everywhere.

You got these Christians running around saying one of two things:

One-It's "Not my Church!" No Christian EVER thinks it's their church. Their pastor is always the most sincere, honest, friend they could ever ask for. Their church is always a "family". They look at pastors like the ones on this reality show as the "bad seed"-the "a few, not all" delusion-ahem-I meant mentality.

Two-I don't see nuthin' wrong...These are the bipolar, delusional, asinine, obnoxious, naive, Christians who are in a lifelong state of self-denial. They adamantly defend these Pastors and more importantly, the reason they support them. They possess no logic or reasoning skills and they consider critical thinking to be "anti-Christ.", atheistic or unspiritual.   They will argue with anyone who questions the validity of them giving at least 10% of their income to a man (or woman) pastor and church staff every week in addition to all the special fundraisers and out-of-pocket expenses incurred from travelling to services and church events, unpaid volunteer services given to pastors and church events, and all the other miscellaneous stuff imbetween.

These people claim, "Well, I don't give to MAN, I give to GOD".

Obnoxious, delusional pricks.

Whatever category these people fall in, they have one thing in common:

They're being pimped..... And they just don't care. 

I was, for years a victim-or a participant- to this pimping game. I know what it's like to be on my knees cleaning the Pastor's toilet bowl with a toothbrush for free in the middle of college mid-terms. I know what it's like to babysit the Deacon and his wife's three bratty children and them donating what they would have paid me to the Church as a charity gift. Did I mention I was disabled and on assistance because I couldn't work and was one foot in a homeless shelter?....

But I woke up. I realized that I allowed them to use me and abuse me while they lived in big homes in great neighborhoods off of the sweat of my brow. It clicked that they could care less about me....and I started caring about myself.

It's called self-esteem.

You can call it self-love, too. Something dogmatic Christianity says is evil.

Anyway, just watch the trailer and see what you think.

Because it's at a point where people are not only being abused and used, but they want to be abused and used...and even when Hollywood puts it right in our faces, they rub their noses in it and smile.

Until next time.


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