
Showing posts from August, 2011


Here on the east coast, there is a hurricane predicted to come tomorrow. They have evacuated parts of Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. I grew up in NYC and I have never heard of a NYC evacution. Something is fishy about the timing of this whole thing. First an earthquake and now a hurricane-right before the anniversary of Katrina and 911? Back in my bible-thumping days, I would be very afraid. Afraid because the prophecies were coming true. There's a scripture that talks about earthquakes happening in many places and that the end is coming. If I was still religious-not to put down anyone who is-but I would be scared shitless. Here in America, there are entire Christian ministries devoted to end-time prophecy. You hear about the rapture so much that everytime something like this happens you-okay maybe me-I'll speak for myself here-I start worrying inside. I would feel uncertain about the future. I didn't want the world to end. I still don't. Nowdays, my focus i...


Hey,  Still on the journey... it's all a journey isn't it? Hopefully it is for us all. I know people who have been in the same spot on the yellow brick road for decades. And they don't seem to be planning to move anytime soon. I'm entering a new part of my journey, now. I've dug a little deeper and explored the "God" concept alot more. Is there a word for God? Is "God" really an accurate word to describe him? Is "Jehovah" or all the cool-sounding names in the bible  the way to do it? What about "Allah"or the other deity names? The more I learn about this "God" the more I see that you cannot put this "God" within the confines of a name. The creator, the most high is beyond our linear thought. Sure, gotta call this power something, but that doesn't qualify or quantify who "he" is. No words in verbal language can capture this "God" in its entirety. And, this "God" is ...