Here on the east coast, there is a hurricane predicted to come tomorrow. They have evacuated parts of Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. I grew up in NYC and I have never heard of a NYC evacution. Something is fishy about the timing of this whole thing. First an earthquake and now a hurricane-right before the anniversary of Katrina and 911? Back in my bible-thumping days, I would be very afraid. Afraid because the prophecies were coming true. There's a scripture that talks about earthquakes happening in many places and that the end is coming. If I was still religious-not to put down anyone who is-but I would be scared shitless. Here in America, there are entire Christian ministries devoted to end-time prophecy. You hear about the rapture so much that everytime something like this happens you-okay maybe me-I'll speak for myself here-I start worrying inside. I would feel uncertain about the future. I didn't want the world to end. I still don't. Nowdays, my focus i...