
 Still on the journey...

it's all a journey isn't it? Hopefully it is for us all. I know people who have been in the same spot on the yellow brick road for decades. And they don't seem to be planning to move anytime soon.

I'm entering a new part of my journey, now. I've dug a little deeper and explored the "God" concept alot more. Is there a word for God? Is "God" really an accurate word to describe him? Is "Jehovah" or all the cool-sounding names in the bible  the way to do it? What about "Allah"or the other deity names?

The more I learn about this "God" the more I see that you cannot put this "God" within the confines of a name. The creator, the most high is beyond our linear thought. Sure, gotta call this power something, but that doesn't qualify or quantify who "he" is. No words in verbal language can capture this "God" in its entirety.

And, this "God" is in me, it's in you, it's in us. My christian upbringing has taught me that "God" is in the sky, that he is an external force. A punishing force, a harsh judge waiting to sentence you...but he loves you... LOL...just had a george Carlin flashback....

There is so much more than what we've been told. That's exciting to me. Spirituality becomes an adventure instead of a concentration camp. I hope we all can find our way forward.
Peace & love.


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