
Here on the east coast, there is a hurricane predicted to come tomorrow.

They have evacuated parts of Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. I grew up in NYC and I have never heard of a NYC evacution.

Something is fishy about the timing of this whole thing.

First an earthquake and now a hurricane-right before the anniversary of Katrina and 911?

Back in my bible-thumping days, I would be very afraid. Afraid because the prophecies were coming true. There's a scripture that talks about earthquakes happening in many places and that the end is coming. If I was still religious-not to put down anyone who is-but I would be scared shitless. Here in America, there are entire Christian ministries devoted to end-time prophecy. You hear about the rapture so much that everytime something like this happens you-okay maybe me-I'll speak for myself here-I start worrying inside. I would feel uncertain about the future.

I didn't want the world to end. I still don't. Nowdays, my focus is onto "higher" things. I stopped watching television...

YES. I said I stopped watching TV.

So I'm not shook up, running to the supermarket spending money not in my bank account because I'm expecting a brutal storm to keep me locked in. I think we get into these media frenzies becasue we haven't connected with our higher selves yet. There is so much to spirituality that we have been told and brainwashed to believe.

Just writing stuff randomly here, in case you haven't noticed. :) Not all the thoughts run together.

But let me say this-I'm tired of being told to be afraid. I'm sick of doomsdays, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, GMO foods, the illuminati, the truth movement, pesticides in the foods, everything being bad for you...gosh, I can go on forever with what is negatively being geared to us.

I'm tired of it. The more we self-actualize, we'll realize who we really are and use our ability to literally shape our reality ourselves. We already are shaping it, we just don't know it. That's why churches, the news, politicians and pop music is being used to grab ahold of our collective consciousness so we  manifest what we have allowed into our subconscious minds.

Well I have had enough of being manipulated by people I know and bypeople who I have never met (aka the news). I'm retired from bible-banging and having my eyes glued to the tube so now I can think more critically about...everything.

I hope you will, too.

Peace & blessings.


  1. I wrote a long comment, but it got deleted. Love your blog. I relate a lot. My blog is alivetoreality.wordpress.com. Maybe I will look you up on facebook.


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