"Let Us Pray"

I have a new perspective on prayer these days.

Here's what I think is a powerful quote on the reality of prayer:

"...when we pray to God, it's not the entity "God" that answers prayers, it's that we are harnessing the inherent power/frequency of that word which has the ultimate power to transform, transcend, heal and create. This accounts for the reason so many people in so many different religions experience a profound transformation when they pray or practice faith. They are all tapping into the same frequency that can transcend the perceived limits of this physical world. This is what we call "God Frequency."

Many times people don't think of God like that. To many, God is a guy on the throne in the sky looking down- sort of like a genie who is deciding to grant our wishes-or not. We think if we're a good-enough court jester, God will crack a smile and wave his magic wand on our behalf.

Others will say that they don't think of God in that way (I'm talking about church people here) but even if someone wasn't raised very religious, the image of "God" is subconsciously ingrained in us on a large mass-media social scale....which brings us back to the big bearded white man in the sky....

And then we read the book of Revelations (the last book in the Christian Bible) and we see the way it describes heaven and how this God answers prayers. As a writer myself, I must give whoever wrote Revelations props. What a fanciful, mystical, magical, scary-as-shit masterpiece!

At the moment I'm too lazy to look up what chapter in Revelations I am referring to, but check it out-it's there..

It says something to the effect of... the "saint's" prayers being bowls of incense rising up to tease God's nostrils. It is a throne-like atmosphere with God on the throne itself and Jesus at his right hand...

Who wrote this?

And how is this God?

I think the writers of the bible had one thing right: God is love. Love is God. The frequency of the Universe is LOVE. We know this deep down. Look at the movies we watch-these lines that the actors always spit out: love is everything, love saves, love brings the dead back to life (see the original Matrix movie) ...and love conquers all.

So why wouldn't we be praying to the frequency of LOVE then?


Maybe it's because the "God" that we have been raised with is an impostor-especially for those of us yearning to be one with love and higher consciousness.

For starters, this "God" is depicted with a GENDER (God is usually referred to as HE) and HE is narcissitstic and moody. HE sits in heaven on his throne as his "Saints" are being malled by Lions and burned alive at the stake, or as they pray in deafening silence in the midst of soical rejection, abuse by church fellowship( I've got to write about the whole "fellowship" thing soon)... and every other atrocity that has seized hold of humanity. Bottom line, if we really look at the scriptures head-on, our pain is mere inscence teasing his nostrils and giving his royal headquarters a sweet smell.


This guy is a bastard. And we PRAY to him??!! Is it a HIM?

Anyway, the topic is PRAYER, and I don't want to drift too far off topic.

I have had to redefine prayer for myself after leaving Christianity behind. I had so many churchy associations with prayer the mere word made me gag until recently.

I don't know.... Time has passed and the wounds are healing.

... And I was so used to the concept of prayer as the religion defined it and the God who it also defined that the whole thing had to be tossed out after several painful attempts at deconstruction.

As with many things, prayer is one of those things in Christianity that is a truth "hidden in plain sight". When you leave a belief system behind, it's easy to doubt any and everything associated with it.

For me, I have found that prayer is real.

But is it the same to everyone as it is prescribed in church?

Hell no (no pun intended).

Is there a set way to pray or specific words to say to get God to hear you? Absolutely not.

Do you have to pray to God to be seen or heard?


Are you a bad person if you don't pray?

No, no, no!

So, I get drunk and I lean over the toilet with a hangover... and then I pray to God to help me and I'll never, ever, EVER do this again?

Talk about guilt and shame! (I talked about this in my "Signs" blog earlier this year). 

But let's look at this for a moment....

We must ask: to live in such a perpetual state of guilt and dysfunction, what God are we praying to in those moments?

And why are you praying? Out of guilt? With fingers crossed, hoping that this God sitting on "HIS" throne won't throw a lighting bolt down and kill you? Is that God?.....

Before we pray, we must have a knowing of who or what we're praying TO.  In my case, I am praying to the SOURCE of all, the CREATOR. God for me is no longer a human form or gender-or anything I was told that "HE" was. God IS. Another truth hidden in plain sight-the old testament book of Exodus. Moses. The burning bush. Moses asks who he should say has sent him back to Egypt's Pharoah to deliver his people ou of slavery (NOT THAT THE STORY ACTUALLY HAPPENED, BUT THE MORAL IS...) that God told Moses that "HE" is the "I AM"


That scripture/logline always sent chills through my soul. And now I know why.

Because it's true.

God IS. God just IS. The "God" as I define "God" to be IS. And this IS is love....Pure, life energy of perfection and balance, peace, fun and wealth... and all things good.

So if I'm praying to this "God" (who many have pegged some 'NEW AGE' blasphemy) then what prayer means is now different than before.

Prayer means meditation.

That's all it ever was, really. It's getting quiet without all the external distractions and honing in and focusing on the higher force to connect with it. 

It's the path to enlightenment. Prayer is simply experiencing "God"-whoever or whatever that is for you.

You don't have to do it (prayer)  X amount of times.

You don't have to do it every day.

You don't have to speak.

You don't have to be in a prayer closet.

The beauty is that YOU can experience "God" whenever, however, IF-ever....it's yours to decide. We are one with the Creator, not separate of the Creator.

Thanks for reading.


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