What makes something a religion
Throughout my post-church experiences, there is something I have realized. Religion is not about a particular church. It's not Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any other. In my Christian church days, I learned many valuable lessons through all the painful experiences. One of those lessons was about what actually constitutes a religion. After I left religion and entered the "secular" world, the contrast became more clear. In other words, I thought that I left religion behind when I left religion behind-if you get what I'm saying. But religion is not about church. In fact: Everything in our society is a religion! Our western American culture is a religion. So is our obsession with Hollywood and it's celebrities. And Sports. And politics....after all, the root word in culture is "cult"... See, religion is not about Jesus or Muhammad, Krishna or Yahweh. Religion is a paradigm, a social construct that is rigid and dense. It limits you. And confi...