The Meaning of Spirituality, revisited

Since I first started this blog back in 2011, I have gone through many changes. Really that's an understatement. With each blog, readers can see my journey, my own evolution.

The question then becomes, evolution towards what?

Good point.

Today I conclude that what we call spirituality- a word so casually tossed  across the board- is perfectly individual.

This is not a new concept, I realize this. But common sense is not always common. What we believe-from our perception of God, church, politics, education, etc.- was never meant to be a collective experience. That's why people experience so much conflict when other people are sharing their opinions on a subject. On You tube, you have millions of people commenting all sorts of things in protest of what someone else has to say. Others are having conversations and are getting caught up in disagreements because the other person thinks differently than they do....

Here's my new question: Why does it matter that others think and feel differently than us? Why do we have the exact same opinion....why does it bother us so much that someone else feels differently than us?

Is it possible that we aren't comfortable within ourselves?

Let me explain.

If we are grounded within ourselves, why do we have to be validated by other people? Resonance is a very real and beautiful thing, yes. But validation only comes from within.


You get into a discussion with another parent about the topic of childrearing. You feel strongly about homeschooling and the other person says they tried it, but they feel public education is better. They mention that homeschooling is good but a limited way to educate their child.

So, do you get tense inside? Do you feel threatened by what they said? Are you defensive about what you choose to do? Are you slightly irritated by what you deem to be the other person's ignorance? Or later that night, do you lay in bed thinking about the conversation...and sercretly wondering if you are doing the right thing by homeschooling your child?

Or do you inhale, exhale, relax and go, okay, that's them...and that's okay. I know what's best for me and just because they have a differnt or opposing viewpoint, I'm still doing me.

See, that mindset takes working on oneself. Becoming whole and emotionally mature enough to allow for the world to be the world and you to be you. Mature enough that everyone doesn't have to applaud you for what you're doing and they don't have to tell you that you're doing the right thing. When you know you're doing the right thing for you, you don't need outside approval. It's nice to get it, of course. But you don't have to have it to feel confident about you.

I'm not saying we don't need encouragement and positivity from others. It goes a long way. But to make it in this world, we have to be our own biggest fans. If you're not, then no matter how much other people support you, you will never feel whole.

I'm also not saying that we are not entitled to our own opinions. I'm very opinionated as far as personality types go. I'm an aries, what can I say? But we can have opinions without placing judgment. In other words, you can have a opinion without it having to be everybody else's-and vice versa. You don't have to have the same opinion of the group. I'm in the process of learning that now.

To conclude, my definition of spirituality today is centered on our internal universe. The internal-our thoughts, emotions, and our connection to our higher selves and God-creates our external world. We have been so trained to externalize ourselves onto religious institutions, spouses, children, government, celebrities, sports figures and the school system, etc. But these things are only a reflection of who we are-and how much we choose to be masters of ourselves.

Just some food for thought. See, we share our ideas with one another not so we can all think exactly the same. We just may say something that will stimulate thought in someone else to come to their own beautiful conclusions.

calling it a night,
until next time,
peace and love,


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