What makes something a religion

Throughout my post-church experiences, there is something I have realized.

Religion is not about a particular church. It's not Christianity, Judaism, Islam or any other.

In my Christian church days, I learned many valuable lessons through all the painful experiences. One of those lessons was about what actually constitutes a religion.

After I left religion and entered the "secular" world, the contrast became more clear. In other words, I thought that I left religion behind when I left religion behind-if you get what I'm saying. But religion is not about church. In fact:

Everything in our society is a religion!

Our western American culture is a religion. So is our obsession with Hollywood and it's celebrities. And Sports. And politics....after all, the root word in culture is "cult"...

See, religion is not about Jesus or Muhammad, Krishna or Yahweh. Religion is a paradigm, a social construct that is rigid and dense.
It limits you.

And confines you.

Puts you in a box.

You can't question its ideals or motives.

Anyone who thinks critically is marginalized and expelled-usually with their name slandered in the process.

Bottom line, religion is about the status quo.

 It's important to note that we limit religion to church when in reality, the paradigm of religion is part of everyday life. My experience in church institutions prepared me to deal with society more effectively. Too many people simply go along with the flow rather than be individuals. I believe if we can grasp this paradigm of religion, we can transcend it and live the lives we deserve to live-for us...and for our highest good.....

How to tell something is a religion:

1. It has a dogma. Dogma is a rigid paradigm that cannot be questioned. It is a black-and-white way of thinking that your group's way is the right way and every one else's is wrong. There are unspoken and spoken rules. There is a way to behave that's acceptable and there is a way that isn't. Your behavior is marginalized.

2. Individuality is not accepted, whether it be outright or subtle. You cannot buck the system of the group and do your own thing. Independence is referred to as rebellion and waywardness. Usually there is some form of socializing/hazing/training/indoctrination process potential members go through with the intent of making sure the potential member will conform.

3. It becomes about the individual serving the group instead of a beneficial relationship between the group and the individual. Money, time, talent and energy is often extracted from the individuals to benefit the collective.
The more you sacrifice for the group the more you are praised. It's typical for these people-often those who give at their own expense in a detrimental way.

4. "Us versus Them".  This is a mentality in religion-always. Words like "they" referred to outsiders of the group, religion, race, political party, gender (male verses female).  Members are either on one side or the other.

5. A need to convert others to accepting your dogma. This is a continuation of "Us verses Them". The group members must "evangelize" "market" "reach" "recruit"  the world because they need to be a part of the church, organization, political party, corporation, religious group and the like. At the end of the day there is always an emphasis on getting more members.




Political Parties


and more.

That's it for now.
To be continued,


  1. I was wondering whether I was alone in my thinking that society was a cult before I googled the quote "society is a religion" and this post came up. Anyway I agree fully with it but find myself a tad ambivalent about the conclusion. I guess society like religion has is a double edged nature, the trouble with society is that there's no escaping it.

  2. Yes, esteemed-loo, you are indeed not alone. It seems bleak once you realize society as we know it is one big "matrix" but there is hope. If we so desire, we can reclaim our personal freedom. We must step out of this "matrix" and redefine who we are, what we believe and as the ancients said, "to know thyself". Thanks for reading my post. Feel free to come back anytime :)


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