Christianity: Easy-Button Diplomatic Immunity from Personal Accountability

Same topic, different day.

One thing I hear Christians profess publicly on a regular basis is their love for Jesus, how Jesus/God is their protection, how they've been blessed by God, etc. etc. etc.

These people utter these words and I wait for the other shoe to drop. Because it isn't long before they do something that completely CONTRADICTS their so-called Christian sanctimoniousness.

Usually that's how it works.

Because regular people don't have to announce their religious beliefs-nor do they need to proclaim that God is blessing them or protecting them or calling them...or whatever it is that supposedly makes them "special" from the rest of us. Real people just ARE.

Christians use their beliefs as some kind of "immunity" from being called on their stuff. I've recently listened to people talking about how God is working in their life, all while breaking Bible commandments (i.e. sex outside of marriage). God has sent this guy your way but you're pregnant with his baby or "shacked up" together playing house. Or the married guy who has a woman on the side pregnant...or the choir director who is in the closet.

Note: *I* don't subscribe to this notion per say, but professed Christians do. It's THEIR rulebook, one they are not even adhering to.

It perplexes me often how Christians feel that they don't have to actually OBEY the bible or BE RIGHTEOUS. All they have to do is give lip service and that is enough. Believing Jesus died for their sins and that the bible is the "infallible word of God" is all that's needed to be holy and "set apart". 

Well, it isn't. I expect more. I expect integrity. I expect congruence between someone's belief system and their lifestyle. 

What I DON'T expect are trite responses to being exposed for hypocrisy such as, "no one is perfect" or "God's still working on me".  Just say you messed up. Admit your hypocrisy. Ask for help. Be authentic for once with the flaws in your character that your religion not only cannot fix, but makes worse. 

Something-anything- but deflection. 

Because the ONE THING that is supposed to separate "Believers vs Non-Believers" is that they live a life different than the rest of us "sinners". If they're fornicating, cursing, lying and the rest of us are doing the same thing, WHAT'S THE POINT? If you're "saved by grace" but are selfish, abusive, narcissistic, manipulative, then what's the difference between you and any nonbelievers? If you're mentally warped by trauma and your life is plagued by toxic relationship patterns and addictions, then get professional help. Otherwise, skip the "no body is perfect, stop throwing stones" rhetoric and have a seat.

Living a so-called righteous life isn't too much to ask. It's not about making a mistake. We're talking about you living a whole separate life than what you portray. You don't get to be "just human" when you mess up but the rest of us don't get that courtesy. You get to be a "child of God" and live just like the rest of us and still get to be chosen and to have a "calling on your life" where God is going to "use you" for his glory....

Just shut up and stop telling the rest of us what we should be doing. Pull up, roll a blunt, and chill.  Drink the alcohol, pull out the condom or pop the pill and stop lying to yourself.

How about this:

If you're going to talk all about how you're "Saved" and "Blessed", can you PLEASE live that way???


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