The hypocrisy of the so-called christian/gospel music industry (featuring Tye Tribbett)

 Gospel star Tye Tribbett does an impromptu rant on the gospel music industry. Once again, what's in the dark always comes into the light. I learned the truth about the gospel industry a few years back and well, there's nothing "gospel" about it. 

From what I see, it appears Tye Tribbett is at least fighting to not sell his soul. It seems his heart is good as well as his intentions for making music. So this article isn't about him being a hypocrite. (Although you never know. All I can go on is the information available to me at the time). 

All in all, he seems pretty genuine compared to many christian artists who are just doing this christian music thing because, for example, they couldn't do secular music. 

One thing is for sure: they may be "christian" on stage but backstage it's the same as your favorite rapper or rock star. I'll leave it therešŸ˜³

Sooner or later we're gonna have to learn that the christian belief system causes a kind of "split personality" disorder. You can claim Jesus all day and molest your kids at night. You can sing praises to God on Sunday after Saturday night in the strip club. You can be a greedy capitalist but donate a huge sum to the church and be "righteous". You can beat your children to a pulp and clean up for Wednesday night midweek service. 

This blatant, yet hidden hypocrisy is made possible by the  Christian doctrine of forgiveness. Jesus has already taken the consequences of their karma for them on the cross. The lamb was slain. All that's left is forgiveness, i.e. a lack of accountability for whatever they do. Modern-day Christianity offers all the perks with no detriments.

In the dawn of the internet and social media, Christian messiness is spilling out everywhere these days. It's socially acceptable for christians to live completely opposite lifestyles than what they preach and in this case, different lifestyles than the one they get PAID WELL to portray ....for many, in fact, who are getting paid better than most of us. 

But who am I to say this? After all, "they're only human".... Sigh.

Now, as someone coming from a fundamentalist christian church cult, where it was a `purity culture` and the standard for living "righteous" was so extreme, I am not saying that we should be extreme. That's not only unrealistic, it's inhuman. Such a cult-based, cookie-cutter approach is  Christian fundamentalism, which robs you of your humanity. 

Here's the other side of the story: In defense of gospel artists who ARE sincere, they are often forced to live a lie. The pressure to be a devout Christian in the public eye is overwhelming. You have to never have a bad day. Always be in the mood to praise God no matter how you are feeling. Raise your hands to the sky on stage regardless if you feel like it. Even the best of people become a shell of their true selves after awhile. 

There has to be a middle ground here...somewhere. Making mistakes is human. Having a bad day is part of life. However, we can draw the line at living a WHOLE LIE under the guise of being a christian, which is just plain ole hypocrisy. 

We need to stop making excuses for "saved" folk under this "don't judge" and the "we're all human and a work in progress" stuff. That's deflection. We live in a society that has one set of rules for christians and another set of rules for everyone else. 

As someone in church leadership who saw a few things behind the scenes, it isn't what they portray it to be. It's BUSINESS. 

They tell you it's for God. They tell you it's about God. 

They tell us it's about people. 

It's about money, sex... and just more selfish gain for themselves... at our expense. 

But when it's all said and done, depending on what you personally believe, for me, KARMA is undefeated. Part of karma is holding these people accountable, though. Not using this "one day they'll get their come-uppins" stuff to excuse us from the work of holding these people's feet to the fire and to stop rewarding them for bad behavior with our money, time, devotion, "forgiveness" and energy. 

Kirk Franklin cussing out his son is a perfect example. Alot of people are defending him under the "stop being hypocritical, you know you're sinning too" clause of deniability. That's why so much dysfunction keeps passing on to the next generation. We won't call it out and shut it down. Interesting video on the "Christian" music industry-or what is CALLED Christian music.


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